Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shadow tag

Warning^__^ : This one is meant for more than 2 players but can be played by just doesn't seem as so much fun.

Time: as long as you wish.. could be about 30 minutes

Age group: 3-99


player who is "it": to step on somebody else's shadow

other players: to don't have their shadow stepped on

Educative purpose:

little children could learn about their shadow and how it changes, it also helps as an excercise to make the children run about:)

Things you may need:

some open space outdoors where you can run safely:)

How to play: ...this is where I found it:)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Emili Dickinson - A door just opened on a street

I had wanted to write a similar poem years ago. The concept of a door at the street (which closes with all the good things inside and a lyric heroine stays out of it) is a deep one with many connotations.

Hillaire Belloc - Jim

a story of a naughty boy reminding me of morbid folk ballads:)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Yes and no

Time: about 5 minutes a guess

Age group: 3-99


player A: to guess what does player B have in mind

player B: to think up something A isn't able to guess (though it should be something A knows to be fair)

Educative purpose:

it could be used in a language course because the students can train ther ability to use questions.

Things you may need:

nothing special:)

How to play: